What we do

Specializing in biological consulting services for regulatory compliance, natural resource management, and conservation planning with a focus on forest ecology, botany, and mapping, we offer services to the public and private sector, including state and federal government agencies (SAM Registered), land trust organizations, lake and landowner associations, private landowners, and sub-contracting options.
Services include terrestrial and aquatic invasive species detection and mapping, threatened and endangered species reviews and surveys, floras and floristic quality assessments, forest inventories, and restoration and conservation planning and management.
Borealis Consulting works with private landowners through the Michigan Forest Stewardship Program and the USDA Natural Resource Conservation Service (NRCS). We can provide a registered forester to prepare a conservation and habitat-oriented management plan for family-owned properties. We are also registered as a Technical Service Providers for landowners contracted to NRCS Environmental Quality Incentive Program's (EQIP) Conservation Activity Plans for Forestry and Fish and Wildlife Habitat.

About us

Borealis Consulting is a woman-owned small business founded to provide reasonably-priced consulting services for small and medium-sized projects with conservation-related needs, from the public sector and conservation organizations to private landowners.

Our mission is to make conservation-related information more readily available and accessible, so that people can make informed land use decisions and easily comply with laws and regulations.


We work alongside top industry professionals and academics to provide the most contemporary methodologies and management recommendations.


Botanical Inventories

Plant inventories tailored to the client's needs, including general inventories, species-specific surveys, and floristic quality assessments.

GIS Mapping

GIS mapping services including remote sensing, field surveys, and accuracy assessments of natural features, populations, and communities. 

Landowner Management Planning

NRCS Technical Service Provider and registered DNR Forester and Forest Stewardship Plan writer

Threatened and Endangered Species Reviews

Rare, threatened and endangered vascular plant reviews and field surveys for regulatory compliance.

Aquatic Invasive Species Surveys

Offering remote, visual, and rake-toss surveys for early detection, mapping, and management of aquatic invasive species.

Invasive Species  Surveys

Early detection and rapid response surveys, mapping, and management for terrestrial invasive species.

Native Seed Collection

We collect native seed for site- or project-specific needs, such as restoration, nurseries, seed-banking, and custom propagation.

Wetland Delineations

Offering wetland delineation services for small and medium-sized projects to satisfy EGLE regulatory compliance and State Wetlands Protection Act.


Contact Us

12840 S Regal St Traverse City, MI 49684

Get in Touch

Ram's-head orchid, Cypripedium arientinum

Rams-head orchid

Dragon's mouth orchid, Arethusa bulbosa

Dragon's mouth orchid

Surveying graminoids in a northern fen

fen survey

red honeysuckle, Lonicera dioica

red honeysuckle

yellow lady's-slipper, Cypripedium parviflorum var. makasin

yellow lady's-slipper

balsam ragwort, Packera paupercula with pollinator

balsam ragwort